

KSh 1,200.00KSh 9,000.00

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A non-selective fast acting contact herbicide for control of grass and other weeds. It kills all green vegetation in coffee, bananas, citrus, sugarcane and inter-rows of maize, cotton and other inter-row crops.

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A non-selective fast acting contact herbicide for control of grass and other weeds. It kills all green vegetation in coffee, bananas, citrus, sugarcane and inter-rows of maize, cotton and other inter-row crops.

Gramoxone kills all green vegetation by contact. It does not affect the brown mature bark of trees. Gramoxone is activated by bright sunlight and is rainfast in 10 minutes. All grasses and broad-leaved weeds are affected to a greater or lesser extent. Gramoxone is inactivated on contact with soil and cannot be taken up by the roots of crops. New crops can be safely planted 4 hours after spraying.


5L, 1L, 500ml


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