

KSh 300.00KSh 4,901.00

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GENERAL INFORMATION: AGROFEED®PLUS is a liquid compound foliar fertilizer and plant booster which contains well balanced nutrients essential for plant growth. It is especially formulated for rapid and effective absorption through leaves and also suitable for application especially in intensive vegetable, pastures, lawns, cotton and ornamental crops.

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GENERAL INFORMATION: AGROFEED®PLUS is a liquid compound foliar fertilizer and plant booster which contains well balanced nutrients essential for plant growth. It is especially formulated for rapid and effective absorption through leaves and also suitable for application especially in intensive vegetable, pastures, lawns, cotton and ornamental crops.

AGROFEED®PLUS induces faster crop recovery from unfavourable climatic conditions and prevents deficiencies in your crop when applied regularly.

MAIN ADVANTAGES: Direct and quick nutrients replenishment for stressed and deficient crops. Can be applied for nutritional balancing in heavily bearing plants.


20L, 5L, 1L, 500ml


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